

  Based on Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, behaviourism is defined as the theory that all human behaviour is learnt by adapting to outside conditions and that learning is not influenced by thoughts and feelings. During Instructional Technology class, behaviourism is applied as I tried to adapt with the knowledge that is given by Dr. Sharifah Sariah. I have followed and learnt every input that Dr. Shariah Sariah has included in her teaching. From the first lesson, I have learnt how to create a blog which is something that I have never tried before. From that, I continue to follow other steps such as create a gif from the PowerPoint, change the font style, embed the link, create a google form, and many more. For someone who doesn't have any experience in writing a blog, it is a quite challenging task for me to do. However, after several attempts and plenty of time spent, I finally managed to follow the basic steps.


  According to the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, cognitive is connected with mental processes of understanding. Therefore, the element of cognitive is applied in our class where I asked several questions to Dr. Sharifah Sariah to help with my knowledge in this course. For example, she was once asked the whole class to explore the font colours and asked us to change the font colours. However,  I was not sure of the suitability of the font colours. So I asked her and she helped me to choose the colours that suit. Moreover, I also didn't know how to change the tab text and selected tab text but Dr. Sharifah Sariah helped me to change them. Hence, I successfully managed to change the font styles, font colours and and many more.


Based on observation and scientific study, constructivism is a theory of how people learn. It is said that people construct their understanding and knowledge of the world through experiencing to do things and reflecting on those experiences they have. Therefore, I've applied constructivism in this class by exploring things by myself to improve the content of my blog. I've tried to screen-capture the websites that I want to put in my resources but the colour of the websites are white and not suitable for my blog page. Thus, I insert the pictures in PowerPoint with black background and save them in jpeg form. Then, I upload it on my blog. I'm sure if I have more time to explore, I will learn many new things to be applied on my blog.
