
Hi, everyone ! 

I would like to share some Youtube videos that may help you to learn the difference between British English and American English. I really hope all of you will enjoy these videos and gain knowledge that will surely help you a lot in the future. Are you ready? Jot down some notes if needed.

1. How are British English and American English Different?

This is a video on how British English and American English are different. In this video, the speaker explains several ways in which British English and American English are different. According to the speaker, there are four ways that distinguish these two languages from each other which are the vocabulary, spelling, grammar and accent. Click here to watch the video on Youtube channel.


This is a video of hundred differences of British and American English vocabulary that are illustrated for the viewers. From the beginning until the end of the video, there are so many vocabulary that are used differently for British and American English. It is really interesting especially for visual learners. Click here to watch the video on Youtube channel.

3. British English VS. American English

This is a video on the difference of British and American English, focusing on the pronunciation. The speaker explains a lot about the difference in pronunciation between these two languages. Some of the differences are the difference in stress syllable, the words ending in -ILE, the sound of A (some words), the sound of R (some words), the -IZATION ending and the T sound (in the middle). Click here to watch the video on Youtube channel. 
